The Ultimate Guide to Watching IPL in 4K on Your Laptop!

Dhruv Padhiyar
6 min readMay 6, 2023


Hey there, CSK vs MI fan! You know what really grinds my gears? The fact that we can’t watch IPL in 4K on the web version of Jio Cinema. I mean, seriously, what’s up with that? We want to experience every moment of the action in stunning detail, and they’re just not giving us what we want. But fear not, my friends — I’ve got a solution. If you want to watch IPL in all its 4K glory on your laptop, there are some tricks you can use to make it happen. And I’m going to walk you through them step by step. So, grab a drink and settle in, because you’re about to learn how to take your IPL viewing experience to the next level.

Alright, before we dive into how to watch IPL in 4K on your laptop, let’s make sure we’ve got everything we need.
1. Web Browser: You’ll need a web browser to access the Jio Cinema website and watch IPL matches. You can use any browser you prefer — Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.

2. Media Player: A media player like VLC can help ensure you’re able to stream and play the 4K content smoothly. VLC is a popular and free media player that supports a wide range of formats and codecs.

3. Bash or PowerShell: If you’re on Linux, you’ll need a bash terminal to run some of the commands we’ll be using. If you’re on Windows, you should have PowerShell installed by default. These are both command-line interfaces that allow you to execute commands and scripts.

4. Browser Dev Tools: We’ll be using browser dev tools to make some tweaks to the Jio Cinema website so that we can stream IPL matches in 4K on our laptops. Browser dev tools allow you to inspect and edit the code of a web page, among other things. But don’t worry if you’re not familiar with them — I’ll explain everything you need to know.

Steps —
1. Open your web browser and visit the Jio Cinema website at .

2. Open your browser’s dev tools by pressing F12 on your keyboard or by right-clicking anywhere on the webpage and selecting “Inspect.” Once dev tools are open, navigate to the “Network” tab and click on “XHR” to filter out only the XHR requests.

3. Now, on the Jio Cinema website, click on the IPL match that you want to watch in 4K.

4. Search for in the “Filter URL” text box.

5. Right click on the POST Method and copy as PowerShell for Windows.

6. The Value will look something like this —

Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri "" `
-Method POST `
-UserAgent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/112.0" `
-Headers @{
"Accept" = "application/json, text/plain, */*"
"Accept-Language" = "en-US,en;q=0.5"
"Accept-Encoding" = "gzip, deflate, br"
"appname" = "RJIL_JioCinema"
"versioncode" = "4094"
"uniqueid" = "be463873-41b3-4d77-a8d8-ee8bbcf3edcc"
"deviceid" = "1808755071"
"x-platform" = "androidweb"
"x-apisignatures" = "o668nxgzwff"
"x-platform-token" = "web"
"Origin" = ""
"DNT" = "1"
"Referer" = ""
"Sec-Fetch-Dest" = "empty"
"Sec-Fetch-Mode" = "cors"
"Sec-Fetch-Site" = "cross-site"
"Sec-GPC" = "1"
"Pragma" = "no-cache"
"Cache-Control" = "no-cache"
"TE" = "trailers"
} `
-ContentType "application/json" `
-Body "{`"4k`":false,`"ageGroup`":`"18+`",`"appVersion`":`"3.4.0`",`"bitrateProfile`":`"xhdpi`",`"capability`":{`"drmCapability`":{`"aesSupport`":`"yes`",`"fairPlayDrmSupport`":`"yes`",`"playreadyDrmSupport`":`"none`",`"widevineDRMSupport`":`"yes`"},`"frameRateCapability`":[{`"frameRateSupport`":`"30fps`",`"videoQuality`":`"1440p`"}]},`"continueWatchingRequired`":false,`"dolby`":false,`"downloadRequest`":false,`"hevc`":false,`"kidsSafe`":false,`"manufacturer`":`"Windows`",`"model`":`"Windows`",`"multiAudioRequired`":true,`"osVersion`":`"10`",`"parentalPinValid`":true,`"x-apisignatures`":`"o668nxgzwff`"}"

7. Replace the value of “x-platform” = “androidweb” to “x-platform” = “androidtv”
8. Final Powershell Command will look like -

(Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri "" `
-Method POST `
-UserAgent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/112.0" `
-Headers @{
"Accept" = "application/json, text/plain, */*"
"Accept-Language" = "en-US,en;q=0.5"
"Accept-Encoding" = "gzip, deflate, br"
"appname" = "RJIL_JioCinema"
"versioncode" = "4094"
"uniqueid" = "be463873-41b3-4d77-a8d8-ee8bbcf3edcc"
"deviceid" = "1808755071"
"x-platform" = "androidtv"
"x-apisignatures" = "o668nxgzwff"
"x-platform-token" = "web"
"Origin" = ""
"DNT" = "1"
"Referer" = ""
"Sec-Fetch-Dest" = "empty"
"Sec-Fetch-Mode" = "cors"
"Sec-Fetch-Site" = "cross-site"
"Sec-GPC" = "1"
"Pragma" = "no-cache"
"Cache-Control" = "no-cache"
"TE" = "trailers"
} `
-ContentType "application/json" `
-Body "{`"4k`":false,`"ageGroup`":`"18+`",`"appVersion`":`"3.4.0`",`"bitrateProfile`":`"xhdpi`",`"capability`":{`"drmCapability`":{`"aesSupport`":`"yes`",`"fairPlayDrmSupport`":`"yes`",`"playreadyDrmSupport`":`"none`",`"widevineDRMSupport`":`"yes`"},`"frameRateCapability`":[{`"frameRateSupport`":`"30fps`",`"videoQuality`":`"1440p`"}]},`"continueWatchingRequired`":false,`"dolby`":false,`"downloadRequest`":false,`"hevc`":false,`"kidsSafe`":false,`"manufacturer`":`"Windows`",`"model`":`"Windows`",`"multiAudioRequired`":true,`"osVersion`":`"10`",`"parentalPinValid`":true,`"x-apisignatures`":`"o668nxgzwff`"}").Content

9. Copy the Powershell command and paste it in powershell in windows and press enter.

10. You will be greated with a very big json, dont worry we can just copy the output and paste it in notepad and find values starting with “https://”

11. Copy the URL without quotes —

12. Open VLC and press Ctrl + V key to paste the url in VLC —

13. Wait for 5–10 seconds, If it shows any errors like, Simply Click on Close -

How to check if you video is playing on 4k or not in VLC?
1. Go to Tools → Codec Information ->

You will be shown , Now in the Video Resolution you can see 3840 x 2160p which is 4K.

In conclusion, while 4K content for IPL matches may not be available on the Jio Cinema web app, it is still possible to access and watch these matches in 4K on your laptop with just a few simple steps. By using your browser’s dev tools and a media player like VLC, you can enjoy the high-quality video and immersive experience of watching IPL matches in 4K. While the process may require a bit of technical know-how, it’s a small price to pay for the excitement and thrill of experiencing your favorite IPL matches in stunning detail. So why settle for less when you can watch IPL in 4K on your laptop? Give it a try and enjoy the game like never before!

Cheers and have a wonderful day ahead!



Dhruv Padhiyar
Dhruv Padhiyar

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